Welcome to Export Ready

Welcome to the SAE SAT, the South African exporters self-assessment tool! Answering the questions will give you an opportunity to run a quick check on your export readiness. It is only a guide! An indicator of how ready you are has been build in but this is only a guide - you are ultimately responsible to evaluate your own potential.


This tool will help you identify possible gaps as you prepare to enter a foreign market. If you have already started exporting or export development activities, you may discover some useful tips. The questions are organised into various areas; each covering a particular aspect of export preparation.

How is the tool structured

Each question is formulated to be answered as [yes] or [no]. By answering [yes] to a question, you confirm having planned that aspect of export development preparation. By answering [no], we assume that you are not sure about how to proceed with that particular aspect of exporting, in which case you get a response with information that may be of use to you. Other question have multiple answers.

About us

SAE SAT has been designed to give you the opportunity to check your own export development preparations. The application does not evaluate your achievement or potential achievement. It is a self-assessing tool designed to make you more confident about stepping into international markets. Be honest and candid in answering the questions.

Who We Are

Professionals in export field

Duis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis quis, rutrum accumsan sed. Suspendisse eu varius nibh. Suspendisse vitae magna eget odio amet mollis justo facilisis quis. Sed sagittis mauris amet tellus gravida lorem ipsum.

What We Do

We help people export

  • Sed mattis quis rutrum accum
  • Eu varius nibh suspendisse lorem
  • Magna eget odio amet mollis justo
  • Facilisis quis sagittis mauris
  • Amet tellus gravida lorem ipsum

What People Are Saying

Read what people say about our tool

  • "Neque nisidapibus mattis"

    Cornelius Bothma, Senior Lecturer at Unisa and Owner, ExportHelp
  • "Lorem ipsum consequat!"

    Sergei Gornostaev, Director at Irbis Technologies
  • "Magna veroeros amet tempus"

    Anthea Coltman, Account Manager